Monday, March 5, 2012

Intra-oral Luting of Implant Verification Jig and Pick-up Impression for Mandibular Hybrid

  • Label each individual GC pattern covered direct impression transfer post with it's appropriate location.
  • Hand tighten each post onto the appropriate implant.  
    • Ensure the GC pattern resin is not touching when in place.  
  • If margins are subgingival and seating verification cannot be visualized, peri-apical radiographs may be necessary to verify complete seating of the transfer posts.

  • Isolate the area from saliva using cotton rolls and gauze.  
  • Brush bead the gaps between each direct transfer post with GC pattern resin.  
    • Ensure the GC pattern resin fills the space entirely.  
  • Allow, GC pattern resin to polymerize for 10 minutes.

  • Loosen impression screws and remove from the patient's mouth.
  • Place the verification jig on the original cast and verify passivity of fit.  
    • If the jig seats completely and passively on the preliminary cast no verification jig pick-up impression is needed.
    • If the jig does not seat passively proceed with the custom tray verification jig pick-up impression.

  • Re-attach the verification jig to the implants in the patient's mouth and hand tighten.
  • Verify fit of the custom tray over the verification jig while in the mouth
    • Make adjustments to the tray if necessary
  • Apply adhesive to the inner surface of the tray.
  • Isolate the verification jig in the mouth from saliva.
  • Apply light body polyvinylsilosane around the verification jig.
  • Apply heavy body polyvinylsiloxane to the internal aspect of the tray simultaneously.
  • Insert into the patient's mouth and wipe away excess from the screw access holes.  Have the pooch and smile to border mold
  • Leave impression material in place with patient relaxed for 5 minutes.